In the past there where only seven copies of the book, which were handwritten bij Rowling and were bound in leather and inlaid with semi-precious stones. One of these Rowling offered for auction for charity (The Children's Voice). The other six were given away. But after some persuasion by fans, the book is now available in print. Also this time some money will go to charity, namely Children's High Level Group. By buying the book you not only get a nice book, but you'll also help charity.

As the title indicates the book contains several tales that were written by Beetle the Bard. A name the readers of Harry Potter will know of. It contains five tales namely:
1. The Wizard and the Hopping Pot
2. The Fountain of Fair Fortune
3. The Warlock's Hairy Heart
4. Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump
5. The Tale of the Three Brothers
And all of this has been translated by Hermione Granger. Besides that Albus Dumbledore gives after every tale some notes of himself. Giving more information about the tale.
The tales are nicely written, but personally I found them a little bit short. The notes of Albus Dumbledore are interesting to read. All by all it's a nice book read and it gives more insight in the world of Harry Potter, but don't expect a book like the other Harry Potter books, because that it is not. The only thing I'm wondering about the Harry Potter world is: Is Rowling going to write another Harry Potter book like this? I'm wondering about this because this book refers to a tale that isn't written down in it. Does Rowling keep the Harry Potter open for another book or does she keep the fantasy open for here readers? Time will tell I guess.
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